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Termos & Regras
1 - Do not comment on resets, and even less so, claim that the server will be reset.
2 - Do not make free items. Its totally forbidden. For that account will be banned or even deleted.
3 - Blocking hunting areas (both pathways and non-pathways) to prevent other players from leveling up or leaving the hunting area, as well as hindering monster respawn, is prohibited.
4 - Blocking access to quests or interfering with quests by causing damage to the team will result in a ban.
You cannot level up using custom quests created by the server!
5 - Do not offend STAFF members, it results in a ban for insults.
Disregarding GM/CMS guidance/alerts regarding irregularities can also result in a ban.
6 - Engaging in abusive conduct towards novice players, including killing them, assisting in their killing, or obstructing their progression in the game, even unintentionally or without resulting in death, may result in punishment. Players who abuse situations involving, especially (but not limited to), potion shops, temples, boats, starting cities, quest entrances and exits, and hunting areas, especially when combined with a violation of another rule, may also be subject to punishment.
7 - Generating fraudulent offers in the Trade OFF system is not allowed.
8 - Advertisements for other servers are prohibited.
9 - MC (multi-clienting) is fully allowed on the server.
10 - All players are fully responsible for their accounts and items; the administration is not responsible for loss or theft of items.
11 - The server does not refund donation amounts.
12 - Points are valid for 6 months from the day they are acquired.
13 - Selling or advertising scripts for bots is prohibited.
14 - Selling characters and items for real money or any other external currency to the server is prohibited. Players who repeatedly share contact information (WhatsApp, Facebook, etc.) for transactions outside the game may also be banned.
15 - Trading and exchanging items between servers are prohibited.
16 - The use of NAVIGATION and MAGEBOMB is prohibited on the server, and using MCs to gain an advantage in damage during battles is also considered a violation of the rule.
- The use of MCs for any Raid BOSS is also prohibited.
17 - Intentionally using characters with significantly lower levels than those in a battle to gain advantages in PvP, such as removing traps, may result in severe punishment.
18 - Using the Guild Chat (/guildbc) to promote trade and extreme offensive messages is strictly prohibited.
19 - It is strictly forbidden to use looping bots on boats, Thais temple, or nearby areas with the intention of participating in Global Storm events. Characters with minimal movement during events are also subject to penalties.
20 - Any use of language, names, images, or behavior that promotes racism or discrimination of any kind on our server is strictly prohibited. This includes, but is not limited to, discrimination based on race, color, ethnicity, religion, or national origin.

Racist expressions, symbols, or gestures, including "jokes" that disrespect or offend any group, are not allowed.

Violations of this rule will be subject to severe penalties, such as mutes, temporary or permanent bans, depending on the severity of the incident.

  • When reporting, only write "situation/doubt/problem + nickname(s) if any." Nothing more or less than that. Any report that exceeds this guidance may go unanswered.
  • GMs do not need to respond to your report to provide assistance. With just the description of your report, it's already possible to assist you, so it's essential to report appropriately. Reports like "gm on?", "anyone there?", "mc here" are not usually attended to, let alone responded to.
  • Reports made in inappropriate channels (help channel, PM, for example) will not be attended to. If the player reports properly after writing in an inappropriate channel, they may also go unanswered.
  • GMs exclusively respond via ctrl+r (report).
  • GMs do not need to provide explanations to the reporter regarding actions taken or not taken. For example, João reported Maria for using MC in PvP. If Maria is eventually notified or banned, GMs are not obligated to inform João about what happened or didn't happen.
  • Reports made by players who are not or were not part of the reported situation or who are distant from it may go unanswered.
  • Reports made by players who use multiple characters to report the same situation or problem will go unanswered. Reporting the same thing with two or more characters will only harm yourself. We do not handle reports in this manner. One report is sufficient.
  • A player who repeatedly opens and closes the same report with the intention of spamming will not be attended to and may be banned (Spam Report).
  • Associations of players making the same report may go unanswered if it is found that:
    1) There are players who are not or were not part of the situation;
    2) Everyone copied the same report;
    3) There is incomplete information;
    4) There is falseness in the report content. Multiple people reporting the same situation does not necessarily mean it is true.
  • Reports (ctrl+r) are attended to by GMs. Tickets (site) are attended to by the ADM. If you open a report asking about ADM, it likely won't be responded to or addressed.
  • If you decide to open a report to ask something unrelated to the rules, try asking in the help channel first. Many questions can be answered calmly by a tutor or even another player.
  • Submitting multiple reports incorrectly causes you to lose credibility with GMs. If you have doubts, do not accuse anyone; ask the GM to investigate the situation.
  • Malicious reports may result in a ban (False Report).
  • Do not combat injustice with another. You may be banned for doing so.
  • Have patience when reporting. Justice may be delayed, but it does not fail.
  • All the aforementioned guidelines are vital for the proper functioning of the rules.
Monster of the Week Monster Pedestal and Players Online Box
Players Online
Top Experience
1- Nepster
1601, Elder Druid
2- Lord Rhyrion
550, Master Sorcerer
3- Stinger
536, Master Sorcerer
4- Yamcha
529, Elder Druid
5- Vald
503, Royal Paladin

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